Never have I read so much dross from a few people who seem determined to inflict their pessimistic, deflating and negative opinions on the RNS from Union Jack today. It is quite clear from all their comments on previous news…
This has to be the best AIM oiler in the UK. NEWS NEWS & MORE NEWS!
What fantastic news from Union Jack Oil today with the confirmation that the Andrews-1-17 has been proven commercial. What an fantastic decision also to diversify from the fast declining future of UK oil and gas. One has to be impressed…
Will the Andrews well flow commercially?
The Andrews-1-17 well in Oklahoma, Union Jack’s first major US development asset is due to complete the testing phase any day now. Other wells in this area are flowing at rates in the region of 150 barrels of oil per…
The Bulletin Board Experience!
Every now and then I like to take a look at the bulletin board on LSE to see what the crazy gang are saying and I have to say, I am never disappointed at the lunacy that continues to fill…
Union Jack on the move! More news today 💪
I have to say I am very pleased with the strong show of hands for the election of Craig Howie to the Union Jack board yesterday, it certainly showed in the increase in the share price and a strong trading…
Shore Cap Analyst Leaves to Join Union Jack!
Now this is an interesting piece of news. One of the top analysts at Shore Capital leaving to take up a new position at Union Jack? This is an impressive replacement for Ray Godson who is to step down at…
Union Jack’s Dividend Policy
Firstly, the company is not obliged to pay a dividend. The company IS obliged however to create value for shareholders. This is now obviously being engineered with the entry into the United States, something that has substantially increased the chances…
Yet another positive RNS for the UK’s BEST onshore UK Oiler!
What an intense, positive RNS for Union Jack to issue this morning! I don’t know quite what to like the most. The dividend which I am sure a lot will be pleased to hear about, the potential upgraded resources believed…
The clock is ticking…….
In a week to 10 days, Union Jack, by my estimation, should be releasing the much awaited, post testing flow rates for the Andrews1-17 well in Oklahoma. Whilst it was estimated to hopefully produce approximately 150-170 bopd based on similar…
Is a bigger than expected discovery on the cards for Union Jack?
What a fantastic result for Union Jack Oil with the Andrews-1 well being confirmed with a ‘positive drilling update, testing the West Bowlegs Prospect. I am very excited with David Bramhills comments about the well being described as “our first…