Heidi, she says I talk bollocks?

It would appear that Union Jack’s non-shareholding, bored Essex housewife with a penchant for spending her every breathing moment constructing silly little images depicting the board of Union Jack Oil along with some of their colleagues in demeaning postures, considers, in her brief time as a self proclaimed oil guru, that my comments are, in her words, ‘bollocks’.

What Mrs. Bored Essex Housewife whose husband obviously never goes home and very likely has a put-me-up bed in his office, fails to realise is that she is NOT a guru, she is an egotistical, unpleasant cow that without a thought for peoples personal circumstances when she spoils everything they do in their own right.

She repeatedly claims that her family own shares in Union Jack and yet she attacks and abuses their investment, doing all in her power to perpetrate incessant negative comment, encourages others to do the same and then bemoans the share-price in a company that she personally has no holding.

I see it was asked recently if she is bi-polar? This is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings that include emotional highs and lows which would certainly explain why she is slating David Bramhill one day then offering praise the next.

Whatever she is suffering with, it is certainly something that is affecting her ability to act normally.

What is it all about when she immediately slates the content of my blog? Is she jealous? I am just a normal guy, invested in a company I believe will come good. Why does she tag Joe o’Farrel’s PERSONAL X account into every comment she makes, or feels it is acceptable to add material to his own posts not anything to do with Union Jack?

What is it all about linking in Oil & Gas Advisers to every comment she makes, a company that from what I gather offers certain assistance to the company? Yesterday, once again, she puts her stupid comment on Malcy’s Blog, spoiling his content announcement. Does everyone have to edit who can respond to their comments to prevent her stupid remarks being added?

This is the work of a seriously disturbed woman who actually believed by supporting a requisition of one of the company’s joint venture partners, would result in her being on the board of the new entity. Who on earth in their right mind would let her anywhere near managing a listed company and more to the point, who would ever trust her not to stick a knife in their back as soon as she was on any board?

Everyone but her realises Kamran Satar used her. Fed her snippets of information, some of it inside information, so that she could do all their PR dirty work. What a miserable failure that was for them and her. Talk about looking a fool. He would NEVER and had no intention of, allowing her anywhere near him had he been successful. He has had a lucky escape because if he had been, she would be terrorising him too.

This woman has lost any respect if she ever had any of probably 90% of the posters on the bulletin boards she has obliterated with her multiple posts every day and is no doubt reviled by all genuine shareholders.

Whatever one may feel about the board of Union jack, to ridicule and refer to their ages as making them incapable of running a company  (ageism is actually illegal), to produce offensive images of them and their associates and to continually harass each individual on an almost daily basis is pretty despicable and were I associates with her is any way, I would be ashamed for anyone to know it.

So come on Heid, what have I said that is ‘bollocks’ in this article?

Turn around Heid, show us your face, let’s make some silly images of you!