Happy New Year to all Union Jack shareholders and potential investors, both here and in the United States of America. Hopefully we will all see a prosperous 2025 as this little company continues its venture in Oklahoma with Reach Oil…
Yet another drilling success for Union Jack!
Three wells in 2024 to date and it certainly won’t be long before this company hits the radar with US investors. There’s no doubt that the partnership with Reach Oil and Gas is a ‘marriage made in heaven’ that will…
David Bramhil should GO! Go Go Go that is! 💪
Today’s RNS is yet another positive update for shareholders. One of nearly three dozen published in 2024. Cries of ‘DB needs to go’ resound on the LSE bulletin boards, a call for the departure of the man that has taken…
Union Jack, if you don’t like it, sell up and move on. Simples!
I read with little interest but much amazement on the bulletin boards, the ranting and raving of people with little understanding of the oil industry, little knowledge if what is going on around them and their total inability to recognise…
Union Jack Oil and Gas, an exceptional company, going only one way!
In the present climate and angst against fossil fuels, for a UK based company operating under the restrictions and regulations imposed by this government, to announce a positive set of results is an accomplishment imdeed! With all the investment into…
Ignore the noise, trust in the future, it’s gonna be bright! 😉
It’s been a while since my last article due to personal circumstances so a little to catch up on! Union Jack seems to be unstoppable as it invades the US with two successfully drilled wells, both producing oil and gas…
USA Update seriously undervalues Union Jack!
What a fantastic RNS update published this morning by Union Jack Oil! To hear the Andrews 2-17 well is free flowing with rates up to 183 bopd under test conditions on a restricted choke is something else. With a 14/64ths…
Thank you David Bramhill!
With everything that is coming out from the Labour government on the future of UK oil, I can only express my gratitude to David Bramhill for his incredibly wise decision to take Union Jack into the USA. Within just 7…
It just keeps on getting better for Union Jack Oil!
Yet another positive RNS from Union Jack Oil. Their venture into the USA is proving to be an excellent decision by Executive Chairman David Bramhill. The oil sector is under immense pressure with ludicrous taxation rates, opposition to any planning…
Better than all the rest?
More great news from Union Jack Oil yesterday as the second well in their planned advance into the US is spudded. Although we still await the stabilised flow rates from Andrews 1-17, we are aware it has achieved rates of…